
Create a fine-tuning dataset for gpt-4o-mini

Use Velvet to identify and export a fine-tuning dataset.

Why Find AI logs OpenAI requests with Velvet

AI-powered B2B search engine logged 1,500 requests per second.

How we use AI to automate our data copilot

Lessons learned using LLMs to automate data workflows.

Build an AI-powered recommendation feature

How to optimize a recommendation feature built with OpenAI

Four ways to optimize your AI feature post launch

Tactics to analyze, test, and improve your AI-features.

Connect your database to Velvet

Connect your database to warehouse and query LLM logs.

ai-first data PIPELINE

Warehouse LLM requests, optimize AI features.

Try Velvet for free

Q & A

Who is Velvet made for?
How do I get started?
Which models and DBs do you support?
What are common use cases?
How much does it cost?