
Analyze OpenAI's Batch and File APIs

Use the Batch API to reduce costs. Velvet unlocks extra log data.

Velvet AI gateway latency benchmarks

Learn how you can reduce latency by 50% with caching.

Cache LLM requests to reduce latency and costs

Return results in milliseconds and don't waste calls on identical requests.

Create a fine-tuning dataset for gpt-4o-mini

Use Velvet to identify and export a fine-tuning dataset.

Why Find AI logs OpenAI requests with Velvet

AI-powered B2B search engine logged 1,500 requests per second.

Query logs with Velvet's text-to-SQL editor

Use our data copilot to query your AI request logs with SQL.

Warehouse every request from OpenAI

Use Velvet to observe, analyze, and optimize your AI features.

Warehouse every request from Anthropic

Use Velvet to observe, analyze, and optimize your AI features.

How we use AI to automate our data copilot

Lessons learned using LLMs to automate data workflows.

Four ways to optimize your AI feature post launch

Tactics to analyze, test, and improve your AI-features.

Build an AI-powered recommendation feature

How to optimize a recommendation feature built with OpenAI

AI gateway

Analyze and optimize your AI features

Free up to 10k requests per month.

2 lines of code to get started.

Try Velvet for free

Q & A

Who is Velvet made for?
How do I get started?
Which models and DBs do you support?
What are common use cases?
How much does it cost?